Rocket Cat Comedy Sci-fi Adventure
In the deepest reaches of space lies the planet Catalonia. Here two powerful cat nations vie to impose their desired cat scratching material upon their world. The nation of Felinia hopes to score a public relations coup by sending the first cat into space, but the rival nation of Catstroph is working to achieve the same goal and will stop at nothing to keep Felinia from beating them. Join Major Thomas Fluffison as he rockets into orbit, unaware of the adventure which awaits him.
But wait, there's more. Join cats Henri and Cassie on their travels as they and we learn more about Physics. Look up in the sky. Yes, it's Dynamics Cat, that feline hero of acceleration and motion who uses his abilities to fight evil and keep the city of Newtonville safe.
Warning: This short story collection contains scientific information explaining how rockets get into orbit, how to perform orbit transfers, and the secrets of reentry. In addition, there is the presence of other Physics related topics.
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}
Chapter 1 One Mighty Leap
Chapter 2 The Great Chase
Chapter 3 From the Frying Pan ...
Chapter 4 Time Cats and the Black Hole Race
Chapter 5 Kittens and Fat Cats Fall at the Same Speed/Why Cats?
Chapter 6 Energy Cat vs. the Rubber Ball
Chapter 7 Balloon Cats and the Archimedes Principle
Chapter 8 Momentum Cats and the Icy Menace
Chapter 9 Of Ice Fish and Tea Parties
Chapter 10 Rainbow Cats and the Light Fantastic
Chapter 11 Dynamics Cat vs. Mr. Inertia
Chapter 12 Dynamics Cat and the School Yard Menace
Chapter 13 Dynamics Cat vs. the Disgruntled Professor
Chapter 14 Dynamics Cat and the Wrathematics Ray
Chapter 15 Dynamics Cat vs. the Frustrated Physicist
Chapter 16 A Physicat Farewell
Chapter 17 Rocket Science Demystified